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April 1st, 2007 / Sex alternatives /
In this day and age saving sexual encounters until you are married or are sure you are with your life partner is a wonderful idea and a great set of values for all people not just the teenagers.
There are other fun and exciting alternatives to having sexual intercourse with each other, that let you enjoy each others company and that let bond with one another also.
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April 1st, 2007 / Sex Communication /
As a parent each of us has to face the fact and the tasks of when and how to start the discussion on sex with our preteens and teenagers.
The best way of approaching this subject with your teenager is in a quiet and relaxing location, take them away just the two of you for the weekend to a cabin in the mountains or a beach house where you will have plenty of together time to talk.
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April 1st, 2007 / Love /
Is it possible to have that perfect long lasting, loving relationship? Love relationships are based on sentimental values and thoughts but also on real life situations and feelings and not on romantic idealism. It is essential that each partner be emotionally healthy to be able to commit to a stable long lasting relationship. Continue reading
April 1st, 2007 / Pressure from Peers /
The opportunity to go to a party gives you an exciting chance to hang out with your friends and to develop new relationships by meeting other people. A party is a chance to socially interact with a variety of people who you would not meet ordinarily. Some of these new-found relationships will be long-lasting or short-term. There are a few safety tips though to remember while you are at a party. While at a party you may encounter situations that cause you to feel anxious or make you feel uncomfortable. By following the safety tips below you will be better able to handle any situation that might arise.
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April 1st, 2007 / Religion and Sex /
Is your religion affecting your dating life? Do you feel there is no one out there for you because they cannot understand your religion and thus your views on premarital sex? We see scenarios in the movies all the time with a religious person refusing to have sex with those they are dating and the person eventually leaving them for someone else. It does happen. Is it your beliefs that are the problem, certainly not. I can speak for all those out there wondering if not having sex leads to a table for one. It doesn’t. It may lead to an emptier table, but not an empty table.
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April 1st, 2007 / Relationship Start /
When you meet someone that you realize you’re going to have the opportunity to date, there’s a few standard thoughts that should go through your mind, pretty much centering around self-preservation and the avoidance of incarceration in a correctional facility. If you see any of the following attributes in your prospective “significant other”, run, don’t walk, the other way. Continue reading
April 1st, 2007 / Religion and Sex /
More and more women are abstaining from sex more than men all together. Why? Sex just completely complicates things. Many women are opting to wait until marriage to have sexual relations. Some are even proclaiming to be “second virgins” in order to wait until that special someone comes into their lives. This may be considered the old fashioned way of living. During the baby booming age many adults waited until marriage to procreate. Continue reading
April 1st, 2007 / Family and Love /
Meeting that special person is very exciting and dating that special someone is even better. In addition, if you have dated someone for a long time then it is possible that the question of marriage may come floating into the air. The though of marriage can be and often is exciting and scary. I know many people who dated a year or more before someone popped the question about marriage. Marriage is an institution that shouldn’t be entered into lightly. Getting married involves doing many things including meeting the family. Continue reading
April 1st, 2007 / Life of a Single /
Meeting someone on the Internet can be exciting especially if people are single because they want someone to communicate with at times and to develop a relationship even if it is over the Internet.
I have had some problems at times meeting people and dating. I have dated in the past, but there has never been a serious relationship. I gave up dating and wanting to get married so that I could pursue my own desires as a freelance writer and working at home. Continue reading
April 1st, 2007 / Life of a Single /
Being single can have its ups and downs, and people can lose confidence in themselves, but people have to pursue the career of their lives so they can increase their confidence. This is something that I had to learn. Continue reading