Author Archive

Chances for a Pregnancy

Most women at one time or another have “the big scare.” Either you wait it out in torture hoping your period arrives soon or you take charge, bite the bullet, and buy a home pregnancy test to find out NOW. Either way, most women have experienced it at least once. And let’s face it women today have more of a wide variety of choices in contraceptives than their grandmothers or even their mothers did. Continue reading

Your First Date

How many people feel they have made mistakes on the first date and don’t know where they went wrong? I bet the actual number would surprise you. There are a lot of people who don’t understand where a first date went wrong. There have been books, articles, movies created on first date etiquette. Some have very strong points and others are a little laughable. Dating etiquette is a varied topic, below are some things I consider when going on a first date.
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Kissing: the Outstanding Art

Kissing is a way of expressing attraction, desire, and love. It is a way of caressing and touching another person in a very intimate and passionate way. A kiss is a sweet, sweet caress! It is a way of communicating an infinite number of things to another person.
Who doesn’t remember with great fondness their first kiss? How many books speak of kissing? People have changed their minds or opinions about something because of a kiss. Arguments have been resolved because of a single kiss. We remember great movies because of a wonderfully romantic kiss.
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Homosexuality and Human Nature

Deciding to come out of the closet is scary for most people. It’s human nature to worry about all the things that could possibly go wrong. Unfortunately, it’s also human nature to “catastrophize,” in other words to imagine a negative outcome and take it to ridiculous lengths. For instance, to think “My landlord will find out, and he’ll evict me, and no one else will rent me an apartment, so I’ll end up penniless and on the streets” is catastrophizing. This article looks at some negative consequences people do face when they come out of the closet, and suggests ways to handle them to reduce the hurt and damage.
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5 Things Lesbians Would Hate to Happen

Some straight women imagine that lesbian relationships are pure bliss. They remember how well they got along with their best friends and think that every day must be filled with shared feelings and every night must be a joyful slumber party. Think again. We lesbians know that our relationships, like any other relationships, must be carefully tended, cared for, and worked on. We have many of the same fears and concerns as straight couples, and a few extra that are unique to our relationships. This article examines five top lesbian fears, explores why they send terror through us, and offers suggestions for neutralizing these fears.
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Eating disorders. Anorexia and bulimia

Not many people are completely happy with their bodies or what they eat. But some people’s relationship with food is extremely intense. It can dominate their lives.

The most common eating disorders are anorexia (anorexia nervosa) and bulimia (bulimia nervosa). In both these conditions people control their food and eating as a way of try to cope with their feelings and anxieties. It’s important to remember that people with eating disorders sometimes have a normal bodyweight and the condition can go unnoticed for a long time. Continue reading

Sexual Fantasies

What are the implications of sexual fantasies? I found out that my husband has homosexual fantasies and has been exploring them on the Internet. He says he is not gay, but the issue bothers me.

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Long depression

Everyone feels sad, fed up or miserable sometimes. But for some people, depression goes on for longer, and becomes so severe that they find it hard to carry on with their normal lives.
When depression gets serious, it’s called “clinical” depression. People experience symptoms like having no pleasure in life, withdrawing from other people, anxiety, problems concentrating, and deep feelings of being worthless or hopeless. There can also be physical symptoms like changes in sleeping patterns, and changes in eating patterns. People feel bleak and helpless and sometimes they want to harm themselves. Continue reading

No Negative Communication Means No Negative Consequences

In any relationship whether it is a professional or a personal one, all communication of a negative manner should be avoided. It can only make the problems or issues even worse than they already are. Positive communication and positive attitude is the best way to get ahead in all aspects of your professional and your personal life. Learn to avoid negative communications and you will be the happier for it.
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What to Know

You have started a relationship with someone you care deeply for, but how do you approach and open the communication lines regarding sex and both of your views and beliefs on the subject?
You should find a relaxing, quiet retreat, somewhere were you will not be interrupted and have your privacy invaded. This is the right scene in which to open the discussion of sexual and other issues you both are facing in your relationship.
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