Author Archive
April 7th, 2007 / Sex and Emotions /
Sex may mean a lot of different things to many people. Some see it as a form of release and simply a means to personal satisfaction. However, more many woman and more men as well, sex is not just a physical act. The act of sexual intercourse can bring about many feelings. If a person has sex with someone who is not on the same emotional ground regarding the expressive importance of sex, it may lead to many issues. This problem is found mostly with the female population; however men can have a deep understanding of just how personal sex can be.
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April 7th, 2007 / Flirting and The Chase /
Everyone reaches a time in their lives when they feel that are ready to make a strong and serious commitment to a serious relationship with a partner. Before a person reaches that point, they are in their dating phase. The dating phase is usually a long one, as many different people will come in and out of a persons’ life. Issues can arise when a person does not see dating as means to and end; meeting that someone special in which to spend their life. The issues can occur when a person is under the belief that dating is a game and the game is all about the chase. Continue reading
April 7th, 2007 / Couple Relationships /
Whether a couple has been dating for a while or is living together in a relationship or marriage, spending a lot of time with each other can cause certain issues to arise. There are many changes that may occur to cause a couple to begin bickering. If these issues are not addressed in the proper way, the bickering can grow into fighting and that can break a relationship. They key to solving problems is to understand what is causing the fights and to learn the art of fighting fair. Continue reading
April 7th, 2007 / Masturbation /
We’ve all heard the jokes about masturbation. Some say it will make you blind. Others say it will make you deaf. What if someone told you it would lead to eternal damnation? Okay, that may be a bit of a stretch, but some do view masturbation as a sin. Continue reading
April 7th, 2007 / Couple Relationships /
Being in a new relationship is scary all by itself, but your first disagreement as a couple can be even scarier. These arguments are never as bad as you think they may be; every couple argues at some point in their relationships. Continue reading
April 7th, 2007 / Reality Distortion /
There are many reasons why a woman may enter the porn industry. To find out these reasons we must go right to the source. Why not ask a famous woman porn star why she does it. Ask why she would want to make a living out of having sex. Many female porn stars have said that they are in the industry because of the money. Porn is a billion dollar industry as money is made through the selling of pornography magazines and movies. Plus the internet is a huge money maker for the porn industry. There are thousands of websites that offer pornographic videos, pictures and even stream live web-cams. Depending on what you wish to see you can watch live footage of people having sex or engaging in other sexual acts. There is also a big market in the phone sex industry. Porn is literally everywhere.
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April 7th, 2007 / Testimonials /
“How do I love thee? Let me count the ways…” Elizabeth Barrett Browning might have pondered the concept of love in one of the most memorable ways in literary history. She did not, however, encompass what love really is. There are not enough words to try to describe what love is. Love is not a concrete thing; it is only a tangible entity to be felt. But, one can see in the interactions of creatures that love is concrete too. Love is not limited to humans exclusively. Animals have been known to protect their owners, sacrifice for their mate or offspring, and defend to the death. Humans exhibit these same primitive qualities but also render love on a more complex level. Simply put, nothing moves the world more than love and its many facets.
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April 7th, 2007 / Kissing and Etc. /
We read the detailed descriptions in books and see it in action on television; we may even do it in public! What is it? Kissing! Some take it for granted while others swear it is an art form to be taken seriously. Does the type of kiss you give, or get, mean certain things? How do you know how to do it right? Continue reading
April 7th, 2007 / Homosexuality Issues /
“I kissed a girl!” Someday, your teenage daughter might drop that bombshell in the middle of a peaceful breakfast, a conversation about something else entirely, or even a knock-down-drag-out fight. How you handle her disclosure can make a big difference in your relationship. These simple tips can help you get past your daughter’s revelation and may even bring your relationship closer than it has ever been.
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April 7th, 2007 / Homosexuality Issues /
She was beautiful, with blonde hair done up in a bun and a stunning floor-length dress that shimmered when she moved. I watched her, breathless, already half-hating the man who would meet her and sweep her off her tiny, glass clad feet. Why not a woman? I thought bitterly. Why not a connection with the gender that has loved and cared for her so gently since birth? Why a man?
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