Author Archive
April 7th, 2007 / Homosexuality Issues /
Homophobia means the fear–and often hatred–of gay or lesbian people. As an out lesbian, I have addressed that fear many times. I have soothed anxious parents of gay teens and reassured angry protestors that I, nor any other gay person I know, has any intention of interfering with their day to day lives. Yes, sometimes I get tired of educating and explaining. Some days it would be bliss to scream back at the protestors and return hate for hate. But I know their hate is born of fear and just might, with the correct information, someday transform into indifference or even love. So I continue to educate. This article examines some of the myths that cause people to hate and fear gays and lesbians. Continue reading
April 7th, 2007 / Testimonials /
The majority of Americans lead busy lives. Between work and family, there just doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day. Then, just when you think you cannot fit another activity into your schedule, or when you already have a to do list a mile long, someone approaches you for a favor. Maybe it is your boss asking you to fill in for another employee at some function. Perhaps it is your spouse requesting that you run some type of errand on your way home from work. Your child came home from school and informed you that he volunteered you to make a dozen cookies for the bake sale tomorrow. Many of us feel as though we have no choice but to say yes, but do you always have to say yes? What would happen if just once you said no? Imagine how history may have been different if just that one time these people had said no. Continue reading
April 7th, 2007 / Female Sexual Health /
Let’s get one thing straight: if you are female, have started your period and are sexually active, YES, you could be pregnant. Many people, especially teenage girls, fell that if they give it the ol double whammy (by using birth control pills AND using a condom) when they have sex that they are 100% sure not to get pregnant…WRONG! Continue reading
April 7th, 2007 / Sexual Abuse /
There are not many more difficult situations to get out of than that of an abusive relationship. Some might think that physical or even sexual abuse, the kind that is evident, is the most destructive, but research suggests otherwise.
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April 7th, 2007 / Long Distance Relationships /
Susan and Randy spent a wonderful two weeks together at the beach during his leave from the marines. Stationed in Kosovo, Randy was not expecting to meet anyone quite like Susan. Not believing in “Love at First Sight”, Randy spent his free time with Susan and the two, before Randy’s leave was over, pledged to marry one another. While writing and emailing with a few phone calls in between, the two maintained their romance until the following year when Randy was able to take another leave and come back to Susan. The two wed and lived happily ever after. Continue reading
April 7th, 2007 / Flirting and The Chase /
Once in a while, you might be walking along, minding your own business and then bam!
It feels like you have been hit by something. You stop and your head whirls. You feel sick to your stomach and start shaking. Then, after a few seconds you are able to compose yourself and look back toward the source of your distress. Who is that person over there? You peek curiously that way and watch. Yes, that person looks like someone you want to get to know. How will you ever succeed in getting their attention directed your way? You need to come up with a good method of flirting and get to work. Continue reading
April 7th, 2007 / Reality Distortion /
Gone are the days of porn being simply a magazine or two that is scanned quickly and thrown under a bed. In today’s world, porn floods the market. There are porn stores that cater to crowds of people, pornography books, magazine, fetish clubs and most disturbingly an ever growing enormous number of web sites devoted to porn. For some people, the overwhelming onslaught of so many easily accessible ways to view pornography can lead to disturbing behavior. Some may argue that viewing or reading porn does not hurt anyone; that is a misrepresentation of the truth. Continue reading
April 7th, 2007 / Relationship Start /
Sometimes it seems like men are from a different planet altogether especially when you are trying to start a relationship with them. Do not give up hope though because guys can be better understood with a bit of a relationship breakdown. It is tough when you are first starting a relationship because you have no idea what to expect. You are unsure of whether this could be a lifetime partnership or a relationship that lasts for the duration of a few months. The good news is that relationships are not easy for anyone. So there is no reason to feel like you are the only one struggling. One of the hardest hurdles to climb is the definition of whether you are in an exclusive relationship or more of a friendship. Continue reading
April 7th, 2007 / Homosexuality Issues /
As little as ten years ago, the news that one’s teen was gay or lesbian was one of the worst things parents thought they could hear. There are still all too many gay or lesbian teens who become throwaways–tossed out of their own homes for the “crime” of loving a member of their own sex. In many circles, however, this attitude of horror has become one of tolerance–or even indifference. Many parents now think they can cope with a gay or lesbian teen, but what about a bisexual one? For many families, bisexuality is far more difficult to understand than homosexuality. This article deals with common questions parents of bisexual teens ask. Continue reading
April 7th, 2007 / Flirting and The Chase /
Many people who are single and dating will often meet a lot of people and inevitably go on many dates. Those who are not serious about meeting someone with relationship potential will often limit themselves to dating likeminded people; those who are looking for casual get-togethers and flings. It is often considered to be morally wrong to date while looking for the chase if the other person involved does not know that you have no intention of becoming serious with them. Continue reading