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First, it’s important to say what schizophrenia is NOT because there are a lot of myths and misunderstandings about it. Schizophrenia ISN’T about having a “split personality”. And it DOESN’T automatically mean someone will be violent, ill, or in hospital for life. In fact, people with schizophrenia are much more of a risk to themselves than anyone else. And about a quarter of people with schizophrenia will make a complete recovery. Continue reading

How can I communicate more effectively with my partner?

Communication can be very difficult, even between people who genuinely want to understand each other. But communication is also a skill, and like any skill, it can be improved with practice and knowledge. Continue reading

Cyber Sex

“I did not have sex with that woman!” It is obvious from this statement by President Clinton that at least one very influential person still defines sexual activity narrowly as coitus. We use the term coitus here, meaning penis-in-vagina intercourse, because even vaginal intercourse leaves room for other objects to be inserted without necessarily having to call that activity sex. Continue reading

Drugs and Alcohol

People use alcohol and drugs in different ways – usually to experiment, to relax, or to get high. Because drugs and alcohol affect your mind as well as your body, they can have a strong effect on your feelings and thoughts. These effects usually wear off as the substance gets out of your system. Continue reading


When I was 19 I had a good job, great salary, and a company car. I thought life was turning out fine. Then, suddenly, the company I was working for laid people off and I lost my job. Things started going wrong from that point on. Continue reading

Anxious or Stressed

At times, we all feel anxious or stressed. For instance, most of us worry about what other people think of us, which can affect our confidence or make us feel self-conscious. But for some people anxiety becomes overwhelming and continues for a long time, and can seriously affect their quality of life.

Sometimes anxiety can take the form of panic attacks. During a panic attack, the heart starts pounding and the person can feel shaky, sick or unable to breathe properly. Serious panic attacks can make people avoid going out or going to school or work.
When people have a very strong fear of a situation or object, it’s called a phobia. People can be afraid of going outside, or of being in a crowded place, or of particular animals or insects. People can also get intensely afraid of social situations, and find it very painful to be around other people because they are worried of being embarrassed or judged. Another anxiety disorder is obsessive compulsive disorder. Continue reading

Self harm

Self harm is the carrying out of intentional acts which harm your body. Self harm is usually a way of trying to deal with feelings of distress or pain which have built up and up and which the person doesn’t feel they can express in other ways. People can turn to self harm as a way of trying to get control over painful feelings, to punish themselves, or to try to “wake themselves up” because they feel numb or dead inside. Continue reading

Obsessive compulsive disorder

People with obsessive compulsive disorder experience repeated, unwanted and unpleasant thoughts, or feel driven to carry out certain actions over and over again. Continue reading

History Jo.

Things started to go wrong for me when I was about 7. I was getting into trouble at school – like walking out of the classroom and not listening. I didn’t know why I was doing it, and most of my teachers thought I was just disruptive. I remember feeling really bad about it but I couldn’t stop myself. Nobody asked about my feelings or tried to talk to me. I changed schools a lot and found it hard to make friends. Continue reading

Consent Rules

1. No = No. If a partner says it, believe it. Otherwise you will be turning your potential lover into your victim. It isn’t someone else’s responsibility to set our limits. If someone doesn’t say “no,” it certainly does not mean “yes.” Continue reading