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Why People Cheat?

People enter into a relationship to get to know the other person, they enter into a commitment based on their love, and they seek happiness in life. Whether happiness revolves around marriage and kids or a significant other to spend life with. All relationships have problems. A couple married for 35 years did’t hit several bumps in the road. What makes their relationship last while others don’t? That is a tough question to answer because there are a lot of factors. Cheating on your spouse or significant other is just one factor in an unhappy relationship.
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Don’t Lie to Yourself

How often has anyone told you to be yourself? Do you fear who you are or are you comfortable in your own skin? The choice of who we are is based on a great many factors. Some of those factors come from within us, some come from society, and others come from our home life. We are the only person who can tell us who we are.
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Myths and Facts on Anal Sex

At one time every state in America had a law against sodomy. According to the Associated Press as recently as 1960 every state still had an anti-sodomy law, though several states didn’t actively uphold them. They were just old laws that still happened to -be on the books.
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PPD – You Should Cope With It

Nearly eight in every ten women is affected by post partum depression (PPD). PPD is treatable but many women do not know the symptoms and therefore miss getting the help they need. Feelings of sadness or a sense of depression can cause a new mother to feel alone and confused. The first year after childbirth is when postpartum depression usually occurs. Some women experience a mild feeling of the blues and others are thrown into the pitfalls of a deep depression. Postpartum depression can be quite severe for some sufferers but mild for others. If you know the symptoms though, you will be able to seek out medical help. Your family and friends can assist you through this difficult time.
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Facts About Condoms

Most of the population is currently sexually active. Many times people have several different sexual partners throughout their lifetime. Sex is a physical release that relieves stress and tension in the body. There are certain risk factor involved with sexual intercourse. If a person engages in unprotected sex they are at risk for a number of sexually transmitted diseases. Many STD’s are treatable but some are life-threatening and eventually lead to death. If a man uses a condom this protects him and his sexual partner from STD’s and unplanned pregnancies. Condoms are over ninety-nine percent effective.
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Then when I went to primary school I got picked on for being chubby. By the time I was eleven I was already dieting, vomiting and starting to self harm. I didn’t know anything about eating disorders. I thought that making myself sick to lose weight was my own clever idea. Continue reading

Short version of the interview with Drugsline Chabad

1. How were you introduced to drugs?

LP: The first drug I was introduced to was cannabis, whilst I was at school, my peers was smoking cannabis and that wasI how I got introduced to it, just people at school.
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What are drugs?

Drugs are chemicals that change the way a person’s body works. There are legal and illegal drugs. Drugs come in all sorts of shapes and sizes you can take them in different ways as well. You can sniff some, you can swallow them or you can smoke them. Drugs can be addictive. Addiction means if you take a lot of them you can’t stop having them and it will continue to harm you. Continue reading


Think of smoking as a horrible murderous monster (because it is!) When you smoke a cigarette you are killing yourself and it is even worse if kids do it. Kids start smoking because they think its cool. Smoking is not cool smoking is disgusting! Every day in Britain, about 300 people die early because of smoking. Smoking causes many diseases like lung cancer, bronchitis and coronary heart disease. Continue reading


Alcohol is a drug. Drinking alcohol is dangerous for teens and teenagers and sometimes for adults, too. Many kids have their first drink at an early age, as young as 10 or 11 or even younger. Continue reading